Mr. George Estep To All Instructors
Pre-Calculus & Calculus
George Estep is a homeschool father of seven children, the youngest of which graduates from college in May 2025. Mr. Estep, his wife Kimberly, and their seven children have attended Emmaus Church in Berryville since 2004 where Mr. Estep frequently serves as Master of Ceremonies and has taught adult Sunday School for several years focusing on exposing the distortions of Satan in our society (polemics).
Mr. Estep attended the U.S. Air Force Academy following high school and later attended Virginia Tech where he met is bride-to-be. They each earned the degree of Bachelor's of Science in Electrical Engineering in 1986 and were subsequently married in 1988. After graduation, Mr. Estep spent over 26 years working as a design engineer, applications engineer, and director of applications.
Among his many duties as an electrical engineer, Mr. Estep trained many wireless chip designers around the world how to simulate their designs to verify proper performance. After his retirement, he spent several years providing SAT preparation for high-school students. He also donates significant time helping Mrs. Estep to run the Patrick Henry College Bookstore by writing software and performing detailed analytics.
Finally, ask Mr. Estep about solar electricity sometime!
Current Classes
HS: Calculus - Differentiation and Test Prep (2 days) – (open)
HS: Precalculus (2 days) – (open)