Mrs. Nicole James To All Instructors

High School Spanish 1 & 2

Nicole James graduated from Smith College in 1994 with a degree in elementary education and a concentration in Spanish. She became a licensed teacher at that time, and an elementary school administrator in 2000. She has taught in public, private, and homeschool classrooms, from preschool through middle school. Her love for the Spanish language began in high school, continued throughout college, and blossomed during her teaching career in a linguistically diverse school. She and her husband, Nigel, have homeschooled their four children for the last 11 years, the last three as part of the CHRSM community. Nicole attends the Citadel Church in Reston, Virginia with her family, and loves to garden, sew, play piano, and travel the world.

Current Classes
HS: Spanish 1 (2 days) – (open)
HS: Spanish 2 (2 days) – (open)